Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Everett Turns Four!

Everett is 4!

Everett's birthday was quite the event. We held a party at the house on his actual birthday, and we invited his entire preschool class, plus his friends from next door. It was a lot of people, and it was really hot! We played outside in the water table and the baby pool at first, and then everyone came inside for playing, pizza, and cake at the end.

With the parents and siblings there too, it made for a big party.  The weirdest thing was that I was just meeting almost all of these people for the first time.  Many of his preschool friends do not have their moms taking them to preschool every morning; their families have nannies or drivers who take care of this for them.  (WHY would you not want to drop your child off at preschool?  Or pick them up afterward?  That is one of my favorite parts of being a mom!)  At any rate, I did not know what these people even looked like, so for Everett's party, we were all making new friends.  I think everyone had a good time. 
It was a pool party, so we made a pool cake.  I hollowed out a big rectangle and filled it with blue jello (shipped specially to us from Gramama - thank you Gramama! - they do not sell blue jello here).  I used unidentified Saudi candy rings for the lane ropes and gummi loops for the floats.  The diving board was a stick of gum.  It looked pretty neat when it was all finished:

Everett's big presents included a monogrammed arm chair like Lawrence's and an easel, which he calls a "weasel".  He loves them both! 
Happy birthday, Everett!  You are so grown up at 4! 

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