Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Lawrence's Birthday PARTY

As I was saying, a mere two weeks after Catherine was born, we had 30 people to the house for Lawrence's birthday party.  It was a Truck Party, as my baby boy is enthralled with any kind of vehicle with wheels.  And he knows all the types, too - "Look, Lawrence, a front loader!"  "No, Mama, that is a bulldozer." Dump trucks and garbage trucks usually elicit screams of "Look Look!" and we have really missed not seeing any ambulances or fire trucks or police cars here.  So we had a Truck Party for Lawrence. 

Our house looked great just as everyone began arriving...mostly because Gramama, Grapapa, and Mike did a super job of getting it ready.  Thanks!
Truck Cake - complete with oreo "dirt".  This is not quite as elaborate of a cake as I had planned, but this was the best I could do with our limited resources.  (E.g., couldn't even find red food coloring.)

Neighbors and friends were there!
It was a lovely evening, and we spent the party in the living room, dining room, and patio. 

We ordered pizza for dinner. 

Lawrence knew exactly what to do at the big moment.  He loves to sing Happy Birthday every day, and then he practices blowing out imaginary candles - so he was ready!
Good cake!
Mike passed out extra dirt after everyone got their cake.

Thanks to everyone who came and help make Lawrence's birthday party a success!  It wasn't perfect, but it went off, and I think everyone had a good time.  Happy Birthday to our big boy!


  1. Happy Belated Birthday Lawrence! I love the cake! I'm very impressed- great job E :)
    I had to do a double take at the photo of Lawrence with the cake all over his face- I thought it was Everett!

  2. Happy Birthday Little One :) Your house looks great! Can't wait to see more pictures!
