Monday, January 30, 2012

Graycie, Come Home

It is with sadness and not a small amount of distress and panic that I report that our sweet cat is missing.  She got out yesterday when some workers were here at the house.  I don't think she would have gone very far, but we cannot find her.  We have posted signs and looked all over our neighborhood many, many times, but no luck.  I do hope that we can find her before she gets hurt or goes hungry or thirsty.  The nice thing about living here is that there is a big fence all around camp, so it's unlikely that she is outside of the compound.  But that's a big place!  (Charlotte peeps:  Mike says that the compound is about the same size as the area included by 51, Rea, and Providence.)

The last post was Oh, The Irony; this one should be Oh, The Agony.  Please, Graycie, come home.  Don't let anything bad have happened to you.  I am headed out to look one more time - Graycie, come home!