Monday, March 12, 2012

Red Letter Day!

Today was a red-letter day!  For three reasons!

1)  They had pimiento cheese at the commissary!  WOW!  The poor guy who was restocking the dairy cooler as we walked we come around the end of the aisle, with Everett happily chattering at the top of his lungs, Lawrence screaming and crying because he doesn't want to sit in the cart, and then as we pass the milk, I cry out (probably too loud) "(Gasp!) Pimiento Cheese!  YAY!!"  I think we all three startled him - especially my outburst. 

2) Immediately after that, we walked on a little further, and lo and behold!  The heavens opened up and light shone down and strains of ethereal music wafted our way...they had honest-to-God Kraft shredded sharp cheddar cheese!  And it's not expired!  Double WOW!  I was so excited, I almost didn't care that the two cup baggie was $10 - almost.  I did buy one, but only one.  It will be rationed very carefully.  To me.  The men in the house still love to eat that nasty square cheese, so they can have that instead. 

3) As soon as we got home from the playground today, which was noonish, the phone rang.  The guy asked for Mike, and when I told him that he was at work, he said that our shipment was scheduled to be delivered tomorrow at 8:30 am...was that ok?   YES!  YES!!  It's GREAT!  We will be here!!  <click> and that was the end of the conversation.  So we will get our stuff TOMORROW!  We spent the evening tonight emptying out the Company dressers and desk, clearing out the living room and garage for staging areas, and sorting out all of the borrowed toys we have to return them.  Tomorrow morning we will get up, strip all the beds, send the kids off to preschool and friends' houses for the day, and re-absorb all of our stuff.  I hope it's easier than moving out was!  The things I am most looking forward to are actually not the biggest stuff.  It's all these little things that we have missed the most:  wastebaskets, bath mats, and coat hangers are the most talked-about around here.  I am also really looking forward to having our own bed and sheets again.  And the TV.  And more than four forks.  And my flip flops.  And the rocking chair.  And the rugs.  And the patio furniture.  And the wagon.  And the outside toys.  Well, ok, and everything else. 

I do think we did a super job of packing what we needed, considering what our limitations were.  If we had to do it all over again, I don't think we would change much.  We got all our Christmas presents in the checked bags, we planned well for the E-box, everyone has had enough clothes and toys, and we've had our computer.  It's been a long haul, but given that we have basically lived out of a suitcase for 2 1/2 straight months, I think we have fared pretty well. 

More news tomorrow, if we are not too tired!  A long day is ahead.  I will take pictures of before, during, and after.  Keep your fingers crossed for us that nothing major or important or sentimental is lost or broken in the shipment!

PS Was talking with a friend from the playgroup, and she said that the customs officials like to turn boxes upside down and open them....not good for our deep fryer oil problem!!  Yikes!

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! Furniture is here..Can't wait to see the pictures of the house with the Benchich furniture! :)
