Friday, March 30, 2012

First day of 100 degrees

We all knew it was coming...the heat arrived today!  Actually, it's been surprisingly mild so far - mostly 70s and low 80s on the warm days.  And then BOOM - 100 degrees today!  I've been told this is more normal for this time of year;  the winter was unusually warm and the spring has been unusually cool.  (In other words, winter and spring were about the same temperature.)

It really didn't feel like it was going to be that hot, and even when it was during the heat of the day, it was hot but not HOT hot.  Even nine months pregnant, I was not all that uncomfortable.  I didn't realize it was so hot, and I sent my poor husband outside to assemble some of our outdoor furniture.  Dutiful as ever, he happily complied (and then complied again when I was horrified when I realized how hot it was and said come back inside).  It only lasted about an hour at that temperature, and now at 10:30 pm it is already back to 75 degrees.  

I still say BRING IT.  I can take you, heat!  Cold-blooded Elisabeth is not afraid of you!  Ha HA!  

PS  Getting contractions regularly every 5 minutes as I write...Gramama and Grapapa are due in from the airport any I am "allowed" to have the baby...major things about to happen???  Stay tuned.  I will post again if we go to the hospital.  No extra post means we all got in safe and contractions did not amount to anything, and we all went to sleep.  I'm 39 weeks today. 

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