Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Pictures

Happy Halloween in Saudi! 

Last week, Everett had costume day at school.  He went as a train engineer.

Later that week, Everett and I made a pumpkin cake (just looks like a pumpkin, not really pumpkin cake). 
OK, so we had eaten half of it by the time I got around to taking the picture.  But it really DID look like a pumpkin!

Then I gave Everett the leftover icing to eat. 

Amazingly, a few days later we actually found some pumpkins here to carve!  They are really little, so we got three.  I think we paid about $50 for all three, which was pretty good.  We were just grateful to get them.  Everett and Lawrence carved theirs with Daddy on the patio and in the garage. 

Everett (left) wanted a cat face, and Lawrence (right) wanted a goofy face.  Nice job, Daddy and boys!
On Halloween night, we got the kids all dressed up.  (Thank you for sending the costumes, Gramama!)  Everett decided to be Peter Pan, Lawrence *independently* wanted to be a pirate, so with that, I gave him a hook hand and ordered a Tinkerbell costume for Catherine, and viola! Coordinating costumes!

We positively could NOT get Lawrence to cooperate for this picture!  He kept throwing his head back to knock the hat off.  And in classic Benchich-kids form, they would never all look at the camera at the same time.  We finally gave up on that! :)   Everett was all about the Peter Pan stance, though!

Halloween and trick or treating here is really different than in the States.  I will post tomorrow with thoughts on Halloween and a description of what goes on here, but I am just trying to get some pictures up at this point.  The upshot is that it's hard to find people who are willing to let you trick or treat at their house.  After 2 hours of walking, this is the stash that the boys took away.  (Lawrence bailed before the 2 hours were over.)



Phew!  Ok, some pictures are up.  More commentary tomorrow.

Hope everyone back home has a great time tonight!

1 comment:

  1. Love the costumes and the pumpkins... hugs to everyone!
