I couldn't resist: I decided to document Catherine's fat rolls.
I am doing this mostly because they are so HUGE! I anticipate that they will go away soon because she will grow - not to mention she is really close to crawling, so those calories are getting ready to be used up - and I want to remember just exactly how round she was at 6 months. Catherine, I know you are reading this in 13 years going "MOM, you did WHAT??" but you so sweet and plump these days and I want to remember.
Well, this one is not so much fat rolls as I love her face looking down. She loves that rattle. I suppose you can see some fat rolls on her arm. What you can't see are her second and third chins. They are there, though. |
OK, here's what I'm talking about. Look at her arm. Not only does she have them at every joint, they are also in between all the joints: wrist, forearm, elbow, upper arm, and shoulder. It's hard to tell, but she also has one on the top of her foot. |
Here we have foot, ankle, ankle again, knee pit, thigh, and thigh again. |
Wow. Mike calls her Thunder Thighs. He'll have to stop that before she gets to be a teenager. |
"Are we through with the photo shoot yet? How did I do?" |
Lookout world - she is almost crawling! And I ALMOST got a bow in that hair...not much longer now! Sweet fat baby.
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