Sunday, October 6, 2013

Tee Ball

Spring Season Tee Ball ended in June.  (Fall Tee Ball is currently underway.)  Mike and another dad from up the street are the coaches for Everett's team.

The players get to chose the name for their team.  The first season he played (last fall), they were the Camels.  Last spring, they were the Dinosaurs.  This season they are the Desert Foxes.  Mike was disappointed because he really wanted them to pick the "Fighting Imams."  I wanted "The Mutawas."  Ha!

Lawrence really REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted to play all season, so we usually gave him a jersey and let him be the bat boy.  

Before the game, we have to get the boys to the field.  This is usually harder than it sounds.   Here, they are sitting on the end of our driveway, finishing their snacks before the game. 

 During this game, we were very shorthanded due to a mix-up about which field we were on.  Which turned out to be good for Lawrence, because they actually let him play this time!


And here are some pictures from the last game:

Warming up and getting the batting order.  

Then I had to chase Catherine the entire game, so I didn't get any pictures of the game.  Ha!

Lining up to say Good Game.

"G'game, g'game, g'game, g'game,"

A few weeks later, there was a carnival and awards ceremony for tee ball and baseball.  Mike got to give out the medals for our team.  Lawrence got a medal, too! 

And they had a bounce house (which Lawrence was too scared to go on) (that is Everett coming down on the left):

 Here are the official pictures:

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