Monday, May 13, 2013

Lawrence's Actual Birthday

 On Lawrence's actual birthday (the day after his party), he got to wear his new "3" shirt!

 He got cupcakes at preschool and everyone sang Happy Birthday!  The cupcakes had yellow and green 3s on them.  (Thank you, leftover icing from the caterpillar cake!)

And then he got to open his presents.  He got TWO new Hot Wheels race tracks with 19 (yes, 19!) new cars.  He was SO EXCITED. 

  He also got a great book about the planets, and when he opened this one, everything else came to a grinding halt as he turned every page and pored over the book all by himself.  Thank you, A, W, and L!  It was perfect!

One of Gramama's presents was a new truck.  This one is a garbage truck.  He got the dump truck for Christmas.  He also got a camera and a bedside clock from Mommy and Daddy, and some books from Grandma. 

But nothing says "I'm cool" like a new Cars watch! 

Oh yeah. 

So now we're 1, 3, and 4 for a while!  I guess that sounds better than 0, 2, and 4.  After June, it will be evenly spaced again, 1, 3, and 5. 

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