Friday, May 3, 2013


A few days before Easter, we spent the lunch hour dyeing Easter eggs.  We did it on a Friday, which is Sunday for us, so the kids were still in jammies by lunchtime.  Or at least half of their jammies. 

 Ready to dye!  (Apparently, the chairs are not tall enough.)

 It works!

 We did 18 eggs.  Very nice!

The Easter Bunny came to our house for Easter, and first thing in the morning, the boys came running into our room to show us what they had been left.  Lawrence jumped up on the bed, dived into his basket, and declared, "I got an Easter basket for Christmas!"  Close, Lawrence, close, but no cigar. 

We hunted for the Easter eggs that the Easter Bunny had hidden at the house, and then after breakfast, we headed over to a friend's house for an Easter egg hunt in her yard. 


We had a great time and got to see lots more friends while we were there.  After that, we came home for naps and then fixed a big Easter dinner for a different family that was coming over to eat with us.  While the food was cooking, we got the church video feed on the computer.  (!!!)  The timing was just right so that the 11:00 service was just starting at dinner time. 

(I find it supremely ironic that A: they block such harmless sites as The Onion (reason being that it is a "humorous site" - apparently, humor has no place in this country) and ("potentially malicious site"), and B: that our internet is so slow that we can no longer stream videos from Amazon or Netflix, and C: they censor every movie and TV show we get on the satellite, BUT we can still stream the church's (name not listed on purpose) video feed from home with no issues at all.  This is the second year we have done it, too.  Go figure.) 

(And for those of you who don't know, church is absolutely forbidden here.  You can't wear a cross or possess a Bible or have anything written that has to do with any religion except Islam.  Rumor has it that the authorities recently deported a small group of people who had gathered in someone's off-camp home to hold their own church service.  They are even currently banning all pet food because it MIGHT contain pork, which is of course forbidden in Islam.  So this is a big deal that we can do this.)  (And so far Graycie has only had to go five days without food until I could wrangle her up some more from the underground.)

Yummy Easter dinner!  We had turkey and lamb.  (CGL:  I FINALLY made that lamb tangine recipe from so many years ago - before any of the kids were born, even - and it was really good!)

So that was Easter.  It was not too bad this year, since we had plans and friends to see and egg hunts to attend.  But all holidays are such non-events here that we still miss how it is at home.  Plus, it was a Sunday, (which is Tuesday) so Mike had to go to work and all.  But overall, a success!

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