Saturday, September 15, 2012

Scary Stuff Nearby?

Thanks to everybody who has been concerned for us in light of the current US Embassy issues.  I just wanted to do a quick post to let everyone know that while I'm sure the US media is going nuts over there on your side of the world, things seem pretty much the same over here.  Of course, we are concerned, but Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia are decently far away (the distance from Dhahran to Benghazi is like Charlotte to Guatemala City - if you were a Japanese person living in Charlotte and there was an attack on the Japanese Embassy in Guatelmala City, how concerned would it make you be for your own safety?  Probably not too much.); Yemen, while closer, is already known to be a haven for terrorists, so as long as they stay down there, we are ok. 

So far, the only ramification that I have even heard of around here is that they cancelled a cocktail party that was supposed to happen at the Consulate the night of the initial attack.  Nobody on camp is talking about it, we have not gotten any warnings from the Company or the US or Saudi governments, and I don't think we are in significantly more danger than we were last week.  So we are not losing any sleep. 

The key here is distance.  Stuff like that doesn't happen in Saudi because the government here squashes it instantly by buying people off.  As long as everything stays far away, we are ok.  And don't worry - the minute we don't feel safe, we're outta here.  Promise. 

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