Monday, November 11, 2013


You know how every now and then you have to do dumb chores on Saturday morning that seem like such a pain?  Like getting your car inspected, or having your oil changed?  Around here, we have stuff like that too, except it usually has to do with your visa and it takes all day. 

Mike got his visa renewed recently, and we had to drive over the causeway to Bahrain to make sure it worked.  So we got up early, piled the kids in the car, spent 30 minutes driving to the causeway, and spent 2 1/2 hours waiting in line in the car to cross the border.  Once we were over the border (but not off the border-crossing island), we ate lunch inside the car from the McDonalds they have on the causeway.  We parked and Mike went in because there is no drive through, which I find ironic because over here, McDonalds has pizza-esque delivery service called McDelivery.  But no drive through.  Go figure.  Mike called it our visit to "McCauseway".  We did let the boys out and they took a picture from the causeway (that's the rest of the causeway to Bahrain in the background), and then we turned around and did it all over again.  Another two hours waiting in the car to get back over the border, and then 30 minutes more to get home.  It took from about 9 am to 3 pm.  The kids were great about it, even if they were miffed that this was how they had to spend their Saturday morning.  I can hardly blame them. 


In other news, I had some kids over for dinner one night and I made a veggie skeleton!  I was so proud of it that I took a picture.  That's rosemary hair in a bowl of ranch dressing for the head.


Also making headlines is the fact that Everett has finally hit 40 pounds, so he can take the back off his booster!  YAY!!  He is SO proud of himself!

And we took a one of Lawrence's friends to the park one day.  


So cool in her sunglasses!  This was mid October and it was still really really hot.  Probably more than 100 when this picture was taken at 10 am. 

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