Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Fun at the Playground and Daddy's Birthday

Fun at the playground in May:

She loves the slide, and now at 18 months (October), she does it all by herself!

But anyway, back in May, it was Daddy's birthday!  The kids made and iced his favorite cake.  The icing is an old recipe from his mom from when she lived here, and there was no store bought icing available.  It's fabulous.  We never eat cake in our house without that icing on top.

 Good thing that Everett turned four last year, and Lawrence just turned three!  
Thanks for loaning your candles, boys.

Presents!  He got a camel magnet for the refrigerator (from Lawrence) and a camel tshirt (from Catherine) and a mug in the shape of a Saudi man (from Everett).  Yes, pickins were slim at the only on-camp store, which is run out of a lady's house.  (It's hard to birthday shop for the only person who can drive you off camp.)  But everyone seemed very happy about the gifts!

Happy Birthday to our Daddy!


  1. Happy birthday, mike,! Cake looks delish!

  2. Also, when chad had his birthday last month, I used an old "3" candle and added 8 more single ones to make it "37 and one to grow on" :) guess we still think the same sometimes :)
