Today we went to the bulk store on camp. The bulk store is the place you go if you want the same things the commissary has, but more of them. (Like if you want more than a 24 pack of coke, you can go here and get 5 24-packs of coke.) I still fail to understand the usefulness of the bulk store, because you can also buy 5 24-packs of coke in the commissary. And the prices are the same as the commissary. And this place is the same building as the commissary. In fact, I think this is just the unloading/unpacking room for the commissary, and they allow people to buy stuff before it is put on the commissary shelves. One advantage of getting stuff here, I guess, is that people like for the Filipino guys to wheel the items to their cars for them, instead of having to do it themselves.
So anyway, when we pulled up to the door, here was this interesting sign:
One minute?? You're kidding, right?? Considering that my personal best for getting the kids OUT of the car is 1 minute 26 seconds, and my personal best for getting the kids BACK INTO the car is 3 minutes 42 seconds (for a total of 5 minutes 8 seconds), this is a real problem for me. I just can't do it any faster, guys. Sorry, but I'm going to be in that spot for at least 6 minutes. You'll just have to deal with it.
Hey slacker! How am I supposed to vicariously enjoy your arabian adventure when you quit posting about it!? :) I do miss hearing your "voice"! Write if you can and let me know how you are and if you'll be around this summer!
Hey slacker! How am I supposed to vicariously enjoy your arabian adventure when you quit posting about it!? :) I do miss hearing your "voice"! Write if you can and let me know how you are and if you'll be around this summer!
PS - check out my blog!