Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Joys of Motherhood

Ah, bodily fluids.  Don't read this if you're squeamish. 

Oh when, oh when will I no longer be soaked up to the elbows?  Ha ha!  Not for a long, long time! 

So Lawrence has been potty training.  For a month.  A MONTH!  He CAN do it, it's just that sometimes he chooses not to.  Well, he can do wee wees, anyway.  We've had a harder time with poops.  The upshot is that some days, and sometimes for several days in a row, he is dry, dry, dry!  Even for naps, and even overnight!  Hooray!  So I get encouraged.  Then the next day, he has accidents all day long.  So I've been washing undies, shorts, shirts, overalls, sleeping bags, sleeps sacks, sheets, blankets, and stuffed animals multiple times a day for a month.  Argh, how much longer can I hold on? 

Then Lawrence got sick.  He spiked a fever of 102 the other day, and then proceeded to throw up all over me, his sleeping bag, all his clothes, and the rug upstairs.  Poor kiddo.  He is much better now, but I am just now catching up on his laundry.  After the vomiting part, then there was the diarrhea part.  But he is so excited about his undies that he won't readily wear a diaper anymore.  So more laundry, and one instance of poop trail through the house as he got carried to the potty.  Fun. 

Not to be outdone, Everett got sick about two days after Lawrence.  Exact same symptoms, except when he threw up, he told me in advance.  I got him to the bathroom (hooray!!), but not quite to the toilet, so my nightgown and the bathroom rug were the big casualties.  Then he had a wee wee accident this morning, and we're bracing for the diarrhea part. 

Then the cat has been refusing to use the litter box. She likes to use the bath mat, or the hallway rug, or any other clothes that happen to be on the floor in the bathroom instead (there are lots of clothes on the floor because Lawrence strips down every time he uses the potty).  

Phew!  Thank God for Clorox! 

Not to mention that both boys have runny noses, and both Lawrence and Catherine are getting teeth, so they drool all the time.  Then there's typically breastmilk or formula on just about anything that goes with the baby (not to mention spit up), and Lawrence bled all over his sheets and comforter the other night when he scratched his bug bites in his sleep.  Have I forgotten anything?

You know how some people have two refrigerators?  One for regular food and another for drinks or whatever else?   Forget that - I want another washing machine!  A big fancy one that will hold an entire queen size comforter!  Maybe I should just start living at the Dhahran Laundromat.

P.S.  Although it's annoying, I don't really mind all this clean up - I guess it's comes with the Mom territory.  And really, I've been really, really happy that we are getting the vomiting bug out of the way BEFORE we get on the plane - so bring it on!  I can take it!

1 comment:

  1. Argh! I've been there! Stay strong, dear friend! I don't want to tell you how long Ben "pottied 5 out of 7" days a week.
