Little did you know that you were living amongst heroes. But the secret is out! By day, we maintain our mild-mannered personalities. By night, we are known as....
The Super Family! |
Here we are in our Super Jammies. Our super power is - sleeping! We are all super sleepers! We work together with our friends Nice-Warm-Bath and Bedtime-Stories to do battle against our sworn nemesises (nemesi?) Dessert-Sugar-Rush, But-*You're*-Not-Going-To-Bed, and One-More-Drink-Of-Water. So if your kids can't sleep, you can call on us to come and help you (if we're awake, that is). Ha!
PS But remember, we are not awake after 2:30 pm your time unless we are home for Christmas. So, basically, we are almost always asleep when you need us. :) This time change thing is handy!
SO cute!!!