Finally, I am getting around to posting pictures of the inside of our house. This will be the first of three installments: BEFORE the shipment. Next we will have DURING, and then AFTER!
This is what our house looked like before our surface shipment arrived, but after the EBox came. (So it was much emptier before we got the EBox. Talk about living out of a suitcase!
This is the living room. The entire downstairs is white tile floor. It's very loud and echoy! All the stuff on the floor is from the EBox, as this was the day the Ebox arrived. Notice our ugly Company-issue living room furniture. It was so terrible, we let the doggy get on it as much as she wanted. Also note the bad-bridesmaid-dress-seafoam-green Company issue curtains. (It's a good bet that everything you see that is ugly in these pictures is Company issue!) |
After the Ebox came, we had Fuzzy Blankie again. Here are the boys lounging comfortably on our Company issue couch while they watch TV. (read: laptop) |
Our bedroom. Yes, this is the bed that had bedbugs. No, we did not know about the bedbugs at this point. |
We never did hang that mirror in our room. Figured we were giving it right back as soon as our stuff came, so what's the point? |
The boys' room. Their comforters came in the Ebox, so at least their room looked nearly normal. |
Baby's room. Apparently, the Company doesn't think the baby needs very much. |
Dining room. The chandelier is actually pretty nice, and we kept the dining room table and chairs to rent because we would rather let the children destroy a rental table than a new one we buy. (We did not own one before! We were borrowing the one in our house.) |
The kitchen is very long and skinny. It has no windows. So you will see in a future picture that I painted a picture of a window on the wall over the sink. As my British next-door neighbor would say, "Brilliant!" |
Next up...the shipment arrives!
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