Hooray! The E-boxes arrived today - early! We were told it would take up to six weeks to get them here, but they arrived in three. It was like Christmas all over again!
E-boxes arrive on a truck at our house |
One of two, being wheeled into the garage (Charlotte peeps: we now have a one-car garage! YAY!) |
It's here! |
Chaos of getting them unloaded (PS - those guys were very helpful, but somebody needed to teach them about deodorant.) |
I think we did a good job of planning what we packed into the E-box. The most important item that we packed in the E-box was a new microwave. Oh, the relief! I can re-heat anything now, and not have to wait an hour for a baked potato! The kids do leave a lot of leftovers that we usually save for the next meal, so I'm sure they will be happy not eating cold oatmeal as a snack again. (Although, truth be told, I'm not sure they really minded all that much.) We also put in their thermoses with the straw and some kids' plates and cups, which helps a lot. Then there's the booster seat! We no longer have to strap Lawrence to his chair with Daddy's belt. (I did get a kick out of using that belt as a seat belt at the table, though, because it sounded so horrible when we talked about it to him: "Lawrence, please stay in your chair. No, don't get down. Sit down, or it's time to get out the belt. Ok, we're going to be using the belt on you now. Honey, get out the belt.")
Fuzzy blankie makes everything better - makes it seem like home! |
More happy additions to our household included a potty seat and new undies for Lawrence (time to potty train, kiddo! Sorry if you're not ready...but they don't sell your size diapers in the commissary), tupperware, the bedding for both boys' beds, some of the baby girl necessities for when she is born like blankets and take-home outfit, a printer, an alarm clock, some coat hangers (they only gave us five when we got here) and my embroidery machine! We also put in some books and toys for the kids, the iPod player, and the sandwich griller. So it's not a houseful, and it certainly doesn't solve all of our "feels like we're camping" issues, but it sure helps! Now we just have to buckle down and wait for the shipment of the rest of our stuff...which only just recently left Charlotte, and is sitting in the Port of Savannah as we speak.
Mommy and Daddy left a present in the E-box - three baskets of pretend food! |
What a great birthday present! :)