Thursday, April 5, 2012

More Pictures

I'm back!  I'm typing with one hand as I hold Catherine in the other arm.  She is precious, if I do say so myself, and we are still in that happy honeymoon period when she sleeps all the time.  She is eating well, too, and all digestive systems seem to be up and running - always an important milestone for these teeny-weenies.  I have been having a ball dressing her up in all of her beautiful clothes.  She is so tiny that everything swallows her up, but I'm just as glad because that means that she will not outgrow everything too fast. 

Everett is so wonderful with his new "sissy."  He is patient and kind and loving and gentle.  He knows to be quiet near her and to tickle her toes or stroke her hair softly.  He is very attentive, and it's really gratifying to see how tender he is.  Lawrence wants to be involved, too.  He is very interested, but he doesn't have a good idea of how to act around the baby.  He likes to RUN up to her and get half an inch from her nose and yell, "BABY!"  and then run away cackling.  It's hilarious, and now we know that her Moro reflex works. 

So, let life with three under four begin!  Luckily, I will have lots of help for the next two months because both sets of grandparents will be here.  I am not afraid! (she said naively)

Here are a few more pictures from the hospital.  I will have even more to post soon, including some from yesterday and today, so keep checking back.  The pictures take a long time to upload with our slow internet connection, so I am doing them a few at a time.  Enjoy!

...after 2 days of trying, I am giving up trying to upload pictures to the blog.  It just takes too long.  Here is a link to all our pictures in Picasa Web Albums.  Click on the link below to see our pictures so far!

So that link got broken.  Oh well, here are three more pictures.  I will keep trying to upload more. 

Nice try, Saudi.


  1. Finally, more photos :)
    Thanks for sharing - she is BEAUTIFUL! Can't decide who she favors - in one photo she reminds me of Everett and the in the next, Lawrence! Also, glad to hear that the Cavalry has arrived to lend a hand! Hooray for grandparents!
    Hugs to all :)

  2. Thank you so much for sharing the pictures! She is gorgeous and looks to be another perfect combination of you and Mike. Have I mentioned I can't wait to see you guys in July??

  3. You look fantastic, Elisabeth!!! What a beautiful family :)

  4. Congratulations! You all look so happy! Catherine is breathtakingly beautiful! Love to you all from Charlotte.
